Been MIA
It seems that I have been on a temporary vacation from POTD, and I have really missed you guys, but the PB'ing has kept me very busy, mostly through referrals. Which I suppose is a good thing.
But here are a few from a recent family session. Just wanted to share, and by all means please offer any and all HHCC. TFL

great shots. love her litle smile in #2. #3 is so darling. very nice job.
These are absolutely amazing! OMG I can't even pic a fav.
How adorable are all these shots, couldn't pick a favortie, the family must be thrilled with these!
Beautiful shots. You rock with your camera.
Spectacular! You have such a knack for capturing children's introspection. It's so amazing to SEE them thinking in a photo, it's as though you allow us to mindread.
Nice work.
I followed your link from TPF...Gee wiz, are you getting rich from your marvelous talent? SAHM,Ha! SAHP (stay at home photograher) Throw some kid parties and take photos, give a few away and watch the word spread. You got it going on girl...
now get going with it...great stuff.You got the eye and the skill..the fruit on the tree is waiting for you to reap what you have sown...Leatherneck (TPF)
wow these are all fantastic. You captured the real essence of childhood. YOur colors are yummy too :-D
i love that tutu! is it made out of...feathers? love it! kimberly smoot
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