Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Meeting the Dinosaurs

Today the boys took me and my camera to the Museum of Natural Science, to see the dinosaurs. They were really excited to go until we pulled into the parking lot. Then they got cold feet.

However I was a really bad mother, and I told them that they had to go in since I'd already paid $8 for parking. So after about 10 minutes of pep talks, lots of hand holding, and hugs, they finally agreed to take a peek.

This is the only photo that came out halfway decent, because it was soooooo dark in there.

ISO 1000
1/30 ss @ F.9
28-70 lens


Jan said...

I love this pic!! I like the size difference between your son and the dinosaur skeleton. Cool!!

Heidi said...

I was thinking the same thing. The scale of the photo is great.

cristina said...

ohhh, i remember being there just this summer when i visited my sisters. i love going there and we visited the "body worlds" exhibit. amazing. i know about the light, it's horrible (not that i could take any pics anyway)
good bw conversion. love the way the little ones seems so fragile in comparison to the dinosaurs. keep it up!

Sara said...

LOVE museum and especially dinosaur photos- there's something so very powerful about an extinct skeleton and a young child together in the same place.
I love that it's in b/w.

Amanda said...

Nice! Great capture!

Rebecca said...

I love pics like these. Great capture.

Your boys will look back and have lots of fond memories of the time their mom MADE them go to into the scary museum! Or at least you'll have the story to tell how scared they were for the rest of their lives :) LOL

Cindi Koceich said...

You're not a bad mom, on the contrary, you gave them a good lesson in following through even when they don't feel like it and I bet in the end they were glad they went! Love the scale of the photo too! Fun!!

meliss said...

This looks like it came out of a book. I love it!