Hide and Seek
The boys love to play hide and seek from the newly mobile Christian. As I sat on the sofa I caught Caleb peeking out from between the chairs to see if Christian could see him.
I worked really hard on this because it seemed soooooo red with the chairs and his PJ's. And I think it's a little bit soft due to my super slow SS. Oh well they can't all be perfect.
ISO 1000
F: 5.6
50 mm

What a cutie. Your pictures of your boys really show their personalities.
Love his expression.
Oh I just love this! I don't think it's soft or to red! What a cutie!
This is where perfection is subjective....I think it's pretty close!
Awesome capture LOVE the look on his face!
too cute. love his expression.
I've had similar problems with red backgrounds, clothing etc. Here's the tip I got -- maybe it would work for you. In PS, go to your levels. In the drop down menu, select "blue" and slide the MIDDLE arrow to the right until it's at 0.90. Click save. Then go to the hue/saturation and select the red option from the dropdown menu. Slide the saturation to the left (to about 7-ish) and see if that helps! I hope the directions are clear enough!!
Love the furniture and the little guy peeking out is too cute and a great smile
Oh I love the furniture and the little boy peeking out. Great capture!
great angle. i like how his personality is being portrayed. i do think it's a bit red at the bottom by his legs but like you said, they can't all be perfect. good job!
So cute. Love the colors, the angle, the whole set up is great!
This is really cute!!
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