Spring Tee-Ball is Over!
WoW the spring tee ball season is over already!!!! I can't believe how fast it went by. Last year it seemed to drag on forever, but this season, it was over in the blink of an eye.
Yesterday Carson played his best game ever. It was the first game that he walked away with a smile on his face. No sadness or disappointment. I was so happy and proud of him. And Caleb...well he was Caleb, focused on the game, and just happy for the opportunity to play!
Here's a couple of my favorites from the season:
Line up and Ready to GO!

Keep Your Eye on The Ball Caleb!

Carson Sliding Home!

Going, Going, GONE

Thanks for looking!
I seriously love every one of these. The picture through the fence is great ~ what a face! These are awesome! They give me baseball fever so bad, I tried to get my ds to play ~ but he doesn't want to! DD picked up his glove and tried to run out there last year, she wasn't even two yet ~ maybe she'll play!
awww these are so good! You got some really nice pics! Faces and all! and that's not easy! I really like the DOF in the first one! Cool shot:)
All great, but the story #1 tells stands apart. You don't see this kind of shot, so it's especially nice. Very photojournalistic. I think it would look GREAT in BnW!
The first shot is great! I got to start looking for more shots like that! These are all great and looks like you were shooting in full sun? If so, you did an awesome job!
They are all really good shots. I'm curious, did you use a soft light process on these? It looks like you did.
Very nice shots, really like the one of the bats and helmets lined up. Cool shot. You boys are adoralbe, hope they enjoyed T-ball.
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