Are Ya Ready for Some Tee-BALL
So one of the reasons that I have been MIA is the boys started T-Ball. And between games, practices, rain delays, and double headers there has been little time for me to post...still taking pictures just no time to post them.
Anywho here's one of Carson at his game on Saturday.

Ah yes, Tball season! I love the color to this one and your little guy is so cute posed just perfectly. Great anymore?
oh what a cutie! i remember those "grass pickin" days! so much fun to look out and they're off in dream land! great color.
Precious! Precious! Precious!
Too cute! We are just starting out! My three year old plays Blastball which is a watered down version of t-ball with a horn in the bases that squeaks when they jump on it! Super fun!!
Thanks for the sweet comments ... TBall is so fun!
Heather, I have a few more shots, but you know I have to save them for later in the week when I fall back into my slump ;-p LOL
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