My sweet boy is ONE!!!!
Happy Birthday Christian!!!!
My sweet little boy is one years old today...oh how the time flies!
In this picture he is 5 months old, just learning to sit up by himself. The expression on his face is so typical of him...right before he breaks into his sweet yet mischievous grin. Oh I love this little guy!

Converted this one to b and w because the color version had a serious color cast that I just couldn't get rid of. I'd love to hear how you guys correct color casts. TFL
what a cutie! give him a one year old hug from me! great capture.
Oh my gosh, how cute is he?? Look at that chub! Love it!
SOmetimes you can get rid of color cast by lowering saturation on specific colors....sometimes it doesn't work. I like it b&w though. Cute picture. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Awww what a sweetie. Happy Birthday Christian, Hope you have many more wonderful Birthday's
Adorable boy. LOVE the almost crawling picture - terrific crop on that one!
He is adorable!! Great shot too!!
LOOK at those lips!! He's a little hottie!
So cute... Love all that chub!
Oh I LOVE all of your recent pics! I haven't been to your blog recently-My DS turned one last Sat and I wish he would walk! He has found crawling- on the gross nasty floor- is faster and immediately drops down to his knees! The last year really did fly- I can't wait to see the cake shots!
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