Last Friday was the official start of this year's rodeo season. To kick it off, here is Carson all decked out in his finest cowboy gear.
Ummm, lets see how I can relate this to the theme...here's something about me. I am a Texas girl. Born and raised. And I remain by choice. Hey if it ain't in Texas...then I don't need it! LOL!

ISO 1600
F 3.5
50 mm lens
HHCC always!
Wow! I absolutely LOVE this picture. How cute it that! Love the colors and the composition. Great job!
What an adorable shot. Everything is great. I can see this framed with a saying about cowboys working hard or something along that line. Would be too cute.
Wow!! Perfect! Definitely one for the wall.
OMGosh!! This is just precious!! Love the composition.
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