Hold Tight

ISO 250
F 4
1/1000 s
85 mm 1.8
They say a picture is worth 1000 words...here is my attempt to say 1000 words a day.
ISO 250
F 4
1/1000 s
85 mm 1.8
ISO 250
1/2500 ss
F 4
85 mm lens
ISO 1600
F 3.5
50 mm lens
HHCC always!
This is a close up crop of sign
Thanks for looking!
As requested by my fellow participants here is the last post in color.
And I wanted to say thanks a million to the ladies that drop by and are so generous to leave cc and other comments. It really means a lot. Smooches!
I will even add one that shows my little peanuts face, just cause I think he's so stinkin cute, but hey I am a little biased.
These are pretty much SOOC, just a little sharpened for the web and run through noiseware. Which of course does nothing for the fact that the focus landed everywhere but where I wanted it to...LOL
Last week I had new hardwood floors installed, and if I must say so, they are beautiful!
Yesterday while playing around with the camera and the kid, Christian and I realized that he could see his reflection in the floors because they were so shiny.
Okay it's really not wine, it's white grape juice. It was too early in the day to let the good stuff go to waste ;-p.
This challenge was pretty fun and challenging...but I guess that's why it's called a challenge.
All photos were shot in Aperture Priorty Mode at F 2, with ISO set at 800, shutter speeds were all over the place.
I'm Baaaaccckkk. I'd been a little bit displaced, due to a home improvement project. Now that the dust is settled, here is my first submission for the week. My Caleb, a future heart throb.
The lighting was terrible, as it was almost dark outside, hence the 1.8, but I decided to play it up with the shallow dof. HHCC please