A combination of bad weather and DH in recovery has kept me and boys stuck inside for what seems like weeks, although it's only been about one week.
In an effort to occupy Carson for a little bit, we had some fun putting together a 10ft long puzzle. He played with his toy, and I played with my new toy...my 85mm lens.
Hopefully the weather will let up soon, and DH will start to feel better so that we can get out of the house and I can get back into the rountine of taking my Pic A Day.
CC always appreciated.

ISO 400~F:3.5 @ 1/160 ISO 400~F: 3.5 @ 1/125
Hey Girl!!!
Great photos love you DOF. Can't offer much more being that until December I had not used a SLR in years. Hope your husband will be feeling better soon.
I like the facial expression. Great angle. he is too cute
Love the hands photo. Hope your husband is doing better. Take Care!! Freddie
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